Monday, March 21, 2011


On the forum I post on, someone posted a news article about a humongous lobster being spared the fate of being cooked because it was so big. I literally counted the seconds (ended up being 40, by the way) until there was a reply by the forum's militant vegetarian with a snarky and insulting remark to the person posting the thread. He then went a step further to make another thread in response. The title? "How do you justify eating animals that suffer during the slaughtering process." I'll quote the first post:
I am going to take a few things for granted in this thread. The following items are, as far as I know, factually indisputable. If I am incorrect about any particular details, I am confident in stating that these items are, at the very least, substantially true. I am prepared to provide support for any of these claims if there is widespread dispute, though I seriously doubt I will need to.

1) Virtually all people here are opposed to, at least, the unnecessary suffering of animals, and would not personally harm or support the harm of an animal unnecessarily. For instance, I assume virtually all people here are in support of animal cruelty laws.

2) All animals commonly eaten for food, including most seafood, are capable of significant feelings of pain and suffering. As far as I know, the scientific literature here is in total agreement. Even if there is disagreement about "how much" pain an animal feels, there is every reason to believe most animals we eat feel something comparable to our own pain and suffering. Certain food animals - pigs, for instance - are undoubtedly as mentally and emotionally sophisticated (if not more so) than common household pets.

3) Virtually all animals eaten for food, even when ideally slaughtered, suffer some significant amount of pain or suffering in their life. Even if we ignore or discount psychological suffering (lack of social structures, fear, stress, etc.), food animals suffer indisputable physical pains: tail docking, debeaking, cramped spaces, etc. Caught fish are either crushed to death, suffocate, or bleed out. There are many reasons to believe that most animals experience very little outside of pain and suffering.

4) As a result of imperfect slaughtering processes, many animals suffer needlessly - broken limbs, botched slaughtering, disease, stress death, etc. Seafood kills many animals completely unrelated to the targeted animals (the so-called "bycatch").

So, given these 4 items, how do you justify eating animals that assuredly suffered during their life?
 After this, he goes on to say that he's going to try not to attack anybody and doesn't want anyone to engage in trolling.  My response to the thread was that I really just don't care. This is true. I really don't care about any food that I eat if it suffered during it's life. What this cow was an asshole? Maybe he went around shoving other cows or calling them names. Call me a terrible person for any of this, but I eat meat. Meat is tasty. I don't care what had to happen to these animals for them to end up on my dinner plate.

All of this is a round about way to getting to my point: I hate vegetarians. I can't stand them. They constantly need to tell you what a fucking terrible person you are for eating meat. "Don't you know what they do to those animals?" "You're basically saying you support animal cruelty and the suffering of innocent creatures." Give me a fucking break. I'm just eating a damned burger. You take the holier than though attitude and cram it up your ass. I resent the idea that I am a terrible person for eating food like a normal human being.

Humans are omnivores. Our bodies need the proteins from meat to survive and grow. Being a vegetarian doesn't make you better than anyone else. As far as I'm aware, it just makes you an asshole. I have never met a vegetarian who was a nice person. I cannot really begrudge someone their right to be a dick. I can be the same way. But good lord, how rude is it to effectively force come out swinging in any conversation saying "I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, but how do you justify yourself being a terrible person? I really think people who support this are lower than me and I am so much more enlightened than you beasts." Go pick on someone else. You're effectively bullying us into feeling bad because you are an uptight prick.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just Another Day At The Office

So, my supervisor, Ted, decided to test the new hiring system here at Stevens. In the process, he decided to reject my application to see if it would send me an email saying I had been rejected. It didn't reject me, but it did have the wonderful side effect of firing me. I made him call HR and fix it, but damn if that isn't funny.

Just another day at the office.