Thursday, June 9, 2011

Every So Often aka the World is Shit

People ask me why I have such a jaded view of the world. I pay attention. This world isn't pretty. To put it succinctly, this world is more fucked up than a Salvador Dali painting viewed while tripping on acid. Most people, and I'm not limiting this to Americans, it's most of the non-third world, are happy to live in their nice, quiet bubbles and live ignorant of what goes on every day around the world. Pakistan is always one of my favorite countries to harp on. America's ally that is just fucked in every way imaginable.

Video was released yesterday of a man being shot twice by Pakistani Rangers, then left to bleed out on the ground. He begged for his life, begged for help, and they just stood and watched him die. He had done nothing, but was accused of trying to rob someone. Clearly enough to be executed, right?
The BBC article reviewing the whole situation is here.

The video I will link below, but I must warn anyone who views this: it is NOT for the faint of heart. Watching a man die is a very disturbing thing. I hope youtube leaves it up.

Video here.

When I got to college, I decided that I would start educating myself about the world outside my country. I did. I opened my eyes to a world of information and news that is mostly buried behind celebrity hype, gas prices, and other kinds of drivel. However, once you take your head out of the hole, it's hard to get it back in. I stuck my head back in the hole about a year ago when I started taking this stuff way too seriously. Every so often, a day comes like today when I find something like this. I try as hard as I can to get my head back in the hole. This is too hard for me though. I think that man's cries of pain will haunt me for a long time.

I wish I knew what to do to help. Maybe I'll keep my head above the ground long enough to find out or create a new way to help.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Breaking Dawn Trailer

The trailer for Breaking Dawn (part 1, that is. I know, we have to endure fangirls for TWO MORE of these fucking Twilight movies) is out. I'm not going to post it here. I shall have that filth smear my blog's content. Instead, I will post a link to a post on my forum. The text on this post was taken DIRECTLY from the book. I dare anyone to try reading it aloud.