Monday, February 28, 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

Let me start off by saying, no, this song is not like Lady Gaga's previous work. Artists change and evolve, and usually the first single is a SAFE choice for most artists. I would look for the other singles after the album comes out to be more earth-shattering. Example: compare "Just Dance" and "Love Game."

Despite sounding like the hybrid bastard child of Madonna, Disco, and today's usual pop themes, I actually like this song. It has a powerful message that will more than likely continue to resonate with today's youth: love yourself the way you are, anyone can do great things, etc. The song is about what you would expect soundwise as the first single from a pop artist's new album. It will do fantastic, and as Lady Gaga is prone to do, the singles that follow will make it seem like nothing.


The music video is just...well...there needs to be a better word for strange.
Apparently, youtube is having trouble searching for it now, so all you get is a link.

I doubt I have seen such a terrible division between the message of a song and it's music video. The beginning of it is creepy. There is something about Lady Gaga pulling temporal babies out of her vag that makes me stop and wonder about WHY the people involved with this thought it was a good idea. The beginning of the video goes into the creation of the new race with the race of man (sounds like someone has been reading too much Hellboy) and how Mother Monster (Lady Gaga) gives birth to good and evil and can't decide which is better. Evil, in this case, is represented by a pulling a gun out of the vag. The music video then goes into dancing mostly naked people, dancing evil people with skeleton make-up dressed in tuxedos, and all sorts of weirdness. Orgies, unicorns, automatons, you name it, this music video has it.

The only way I could possibly explain this is for Lady Gaga to give her super-cult-fans a weird story of genesis. I fear what kind of Juggalo-style monsters this thinking could give birth to. Either way, this music video is just fucking weird or a work of certified genius. A quick tour of trends on twitter gives me an equal number of posts that are "WTF" and "SO GOOD." One of which claimed that if I didn't get it I should just shut up. Why don't you try explaining it instead of typing in all caps with 14 exclamation marks?

Giving birth to a wealth of temporal babies over an infinite time span has got to fucking hurt. Just sayin'. If anyone "gets" this music video, as I clearly do not, please try to enlighten me. I would love to freaking know why people think this is good other than rabid fandom. I do look forward, however, to seeing how the guy who runs Vigilant Citizen rationalizes this as the next stage in illuminati taking over our media. If you've never been there, I suggest you take a gander. He does make some good points for noticing very strange consistencies among pop artists these days. If nothing else, it's good for a laugh (or a tinfoil hat, take your pick).

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