Tuesday, April 19, 2011


One of my biggest challenges I face in writing is motivation. It's not that I don't want to write...I do. I have a hard time writing about anything that I don't care about. If the subject doesn't grip me enough, it's like taking a really hard math test. I can't possible get through the whole thing unless I'm being graded. I have found the same deal applies when I care about a subject too much. For example, last night I had a long post all written up about my crazy-ass nightmares and how they stick with me (I really should figure out how to finish that), but I deleted it and didn't post it. The whole post seemed to personal to me, and a sour taste was left in my mouth after I was done. So much for a freaking catharsis in that one.

One of the easiest times for me to write is when I can't sleep. You would be surprised how often I have bouts of insomnia. Usually, I put up with it for a week or so until I go mad and work myself at the gym super hard. Recently, when the gym is out of my reach (and it's 2:00 am), I have found that writing something often helps calm me down and get me to sleep. Maybe it's just beneficial for me since it slows my brain down enough that I can sleep. Either way, it's been helping. I haven't really been posting those much, so I'll try and be better about that.

Either way, readers are going to see a myriad of things here. Most of it will be my ranting, humorous takes on things that I actually care about. Then there will be the personal stuff, probably things that I write very late at night. The others will be my various experiments in writing, and they will be pretty rare. Practice makes perfect, really. I hope that I can start updating this once a week, then more as time progresses and I get back into the habit of writing things for an audience. Right now, it's just really for my friends and those who find this (hello forum, I do love you all so). Feel free to leave comments. I love and hate feedback at the same time.

I promise I'll try and post the piece about my nightmares. I did have a lot of fun starting it. Remembering that stuff gets a little weird though.

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